Happy Headline: Choking Woman Saved by Dr. Heimlich


If you’re ever going to choke on food, you can’t get any luckier than this woman.

87-year-old Patty Ris of Ohio is lucky to be alive after choking on a piece of hamburger. Fortunately, she happened to be eating her meal near Dr. Henry Heimlich. Yes, thee Dr. Heimlich – the 96-year-old former surgeon who is credited with inventing the life-saving maneuver that bears his name.

Seeing that the elderly woman woman was choking, Dr. Heimlich got out of his seat and performed his maneuver for the very first time in his life. Seriously.

The doc, although he has demonstrated it many times over the years, had never had the opportunity to actually do it on a real person. But he clearly knew what he was doing as he was able to save the woman. Obviously, he didn’t need to look at the choking poster.

Heimlich said, “After three compressions, this piece of meat came out, and she just started breathing, her whole face changed. I sort of felt wonderful about it, just having saved that girl.” The woman said she wrote him a thank you letter saying, “God put me in that seat next to you, Dr. Heimlich, because I was gone; I couldn’t breathe at all.”