Making the decision about whether or not to invite your boyfriend home for Thanksgiving is never easy. Dating experts recommend asking yourself 5 important relationship questions before inviting anyone home for the holidays:

1. How Long Have You Been Dating? The shorter the time period the more likely he might not be the same boyfriend you have next holiday season. Is it worth the potential discomfort of bringing someone who your family will never see again?

2. How Committed Are You? If you are only casually dating or you are seeing more than one person at a time –  don’t bring anyone home. Go alone and spend some quality time with old friends and family.

3. Is He Really Serious About You? If you can’t easily answer this question it’s probably better to go home alone.

4. How Formal Is Your Family? If Thanksgiving is a casual affair leave the decision up to him and don’t sweat it.

5. What’s Your Life Stage? The younger you are, the longer you should be dating someone before bringing someone home for Thanksgiving. (Your Tango)