The Happy Headline of the Day – Monday, February 1


In Groton, Vermont, 17-year-old Michael Jolley is passionate about woodworking … and firefighting.

Michael has figured out a way to combine these passions by building and selling wooden American flags — and then donating the profits to area fire departments.

He’s been on the front lines as a volunteer firefighter and realizes how important funding can be when a fire department is trying to purchase important gear.

So over the summer, he started using his woodworking background to make a difference.

Michael takes wood, stains it red and blue — and then carves out 50 stars.

He then sells the flags online — in order to pass the profits along to nearby fire departments.

The fire departments are, of course, thankful for his help.

Michael plans to continue his efforts, knowing that his passion for woodworking is helping firefighters on the front lines, which affects many people in his community.