Coffee Talk from Honor Credit Union – Wednesday, May 5

  • National Hoagie Day
It’s also Cinco de Mayo . . . and it’s really the first party holiday since huge numbers of people got the vaccine.  So I’m thinking LOTS of people are going to want to live it up today . . . even if they don’t know WHY they’re living it up.
A survey just asked people what Cinco de Mayo is actually about.  And only 10% of people knew the correct answer:  Celebrating a major Mexican battle win.  The victory was over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862.
39% of people thought Cinco de Mayo was Mexico’s Independence Day . . . 26% thought it was just a general celebration of Mexican-American culture . . . 13% admitted they had no idea . . . and 13% said it’s, quote, “an excuse to drink.”
The survey also found almost three-quarters of Americans said they planned to do something to celebrate.
59% will eat Mexican food . . . 32% will drink margaritas . . . 17% will drink Mexican beer . . . 14% will go to a party . . . and 8% will go to a bar.
And finally, 8% of people say they’re going to use today to read up on Mexican history.

Do you pets have more friends than you do? A new survey of pet owners found that more than 50% say their dog has more friends than they do — and 66% believe their dog has a “better social life” than they do. 57% said that their friends and family are more excited to see their dog than them. And your dog is definitely more popular with your co-workers. 63% of those surveyed said their pup is the “uncontested star” of their Zoom calls.

There’s no question that streaming services like Netflix helped us get through the last year. What would we have done with all those shows to watch and characters to care about? But what happens when you finish binge-ing a series you really loved? Do you get a little sad that it’s over? How about when you loved a season of a show and were anxiously awaiting the next season, only to find out the show has been canceled?
There’s even a name for it: PSD (Post-Series Depression). It’s defined as “the sadness felt after reading or watching a really long series or story. The bitter feeling when you know the journey is over, but you don’t want it to end. (Urban Dictionary)