The Coast Social Network with United Way of Southwest Michigan – Tuesday, April 12


Zack speaks with Maureen Ovington from the Berrien College Access Network and Chris Machiniack of Berrien RESA about the importance of Career Technical Education (CTE) and how students can access great resources right here in our area. Find more at!

What does Berrien College Access Network do?

The Berrien College Access Network is a collective impact initiative that focus’ on helping break down barriers and help create pathways towards postsecondary attainment (postsecondary meaning after high school) in Berrien County.  Normally when you hear the word “college” you tend to think of a Community College or a University.  When the Berrien CAN talks about college we refer to it as a training and education beyond high school which then encompass’ trade certifications as well as college degrees.


What is CTE?

Career and Technical Education can be defined as multiple career pathway opportunities through the combination of relevant, engaging experiences in both the classroom as well as industry.

These pathways stress a rigorous core academic curriculum and focus it in a manner that emphasizes hands-on, critical thinking skills that are vital for the employment of our students in the future.


Why is CTE important to students? 

Looking at National Student Data, one of the easiest infographics I have seen has:

10 kindergarteners on a bus

2 dropout prior to graduation

2 don’t enroll in college

3 leave college without a degree or credential

3 students earn a degree

***We need better student engagement and career pathway development while they are in K-12 schools.

***Our student must also understand that learning does not stop once HS is complete.  There is a “next step” that will take place after they graduate HS, that step looks different for everyone.

The average high school graduation rate in 2018 for CTE concentrators in Michigan was 96.6%, compared to the adjusted cohort graduation rate of 81%.

CTE students and their parents are three times more likely to report being “very satisfied” with the real-world learning component of their education than non-CTE students and parents.

The blend of technical, academic and employability skills that CTE programs provide best prepare students for fast-growing and high-earning jobs.


Why is CTE Important to the Berrien College Access Network?

Our main goal is to make sure students know they have options and that doesn’t just include a traditional degree.  Data shows that by the year 2025 you will need some sort of after high school credential to live above the poverty line.  It is our mission to help ensure students are becoming aware of trade opportunities, Career Technical Education classes.  With job opportunities growing here in Southwest Michigan, we would love to see these students coming back to our area once they have their degree or credential so they can help build the economy right here in Berrien County.  Berrien CAN works with leaders and administrators in supporting the CTE movement.


How is Berrien College Access Network developing as a result of United Way of Southwest Michigan?

The Berrien College Access Network couldn’t develop the way it has if it wasn’t for United Way of Southwest Michigan.  They are the backbone of support for this impact organization and really helps to bring attention to the education realm in Berrien County.  There is a strong need in our communities and United Way of Southwest Michigan recognizes that.  I want to reemphasize that as we move forward, it is critical to have a degree or credential/certificate in order to have a decent paying job, the opportunities are there, we just need to help get them filled!