Blogs Archives

You could get paid to take virtual tours around the world


I don’t know about you, but I am going crazy not being able to travel. I like to try to plan a couple trips per year to explore new places which mainly involve a lot of hiking.  If you’ve been holding off on traveling, then here’s something to consider. The company Upgraded Points wants to pay you to take a virtual vacation. Where do I sign up!? Yes, I know it’s not quite the same as taking a real vacation but if you are chosen, you can use that money to save for a real vacation once things get back to a more normal feel. Find out more info HERE!... [Read Full Story]

People are listening to music more than ever!


Music is my go to for many different moods; whether I’m happy or feeling down, angry or needing to pump up for a workout! That seems to be the case as well for many people while they’ve been quarantining. Music is helping Americans so much during isolation, In fact, 81% say music has helped them cope through the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research. Want to know more on the benefits of music during this time? Check it out HERE!... [Read Full Story]

Sesame Street & CNN Will Be Co-Hosting a Special About Racism for Kids & Families


It’s unfortunate that we live in a world that is still dealing with issues like racism. This is something that shouldn’t even exist but there are still plenty of people out there in the world that refuse to change and make a difference. That’s why CNN & Sesame Street are co-hosting a special together this weekend that will reach families and kids to explain all that is happening to give kids a better understanding. Find out more info HERE!... [Read Full Story]