Out of the Technicolor Closet Podcast Archives

An Interview With Mary Jo Schnell from The OutCenter – Ways for LGBT+ Members to Stay Connected Virtually During This Crazy Time of COVID-19


There’s a lot happening at The OutCenter in Benton Harbor on a normal basis. Even though everything has changed recently with the way we are staying connected to each other, The OutCenter has many ways for LGBTQ+ members to virtually be together and has plans to get through this rough time. Check out the interview between Stephanie & Mary Jo Schnell, The Executive Director of The OutCenter.... [Read Full Story]

Out of the Technicolor Closet – Oversexualizing Kids in the LGBT+ Community


Being part of the LGBT+ Community makes you think about and remember how you grew up. Maybe it was a good experience or maybe not but because there is still this stigma associated with the community, some parents are trying to introduce things to their kids at a younger age. Although this is something many of us in the community have been wanting for years, there’s still a line you should probably wait to cross over until your kids reach a more mature age and are actually able to understand what you’re telling them about the community.... [Read Full Story]

Out of the Technicolor Closet – Religion & The LGBT+ Community


Many people who are part of the LGBT+ Community struggle with finding the right place to go to in order to practice the religion they believe in. This usually happens because we do not feel accepted at a place that should be our safe haven but rather, we feel rejected by the religious community in general which seems contradictory to what religion is supposed to be about. We discuss the most popular religions in America and some of the problems the LGBT+ Community deal with in trying to be a part of these religious groups.... [Read Full Story]

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Mental Health & The Coming Out Process


Coming out is not an easy process for many people who are part of LGBT+ community. There are a lot of struggles we all have face on a daily basis that may have a great effect on our mental health. If we are not okay with ourselves or we worry constantly about what other people may think of us if they knew how we identify, we ultimately just feel consistently stressed. Linh and Stephanie talk through some of this process and describe some of the challenges they have and still face today.... [Read Full Story]

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Navigating Schools & Workplaces As An LGBT+ Person


Being a person who is part of the LGBT+ Community, you have your doubts and fears about how people will treat you at school or at work. It can be a scary thing depending on where you live, because in so many places in the world, there is still so much discrimination present in school and work environments. It’s unfortunate, but we don’t always have the support of other staff members when all we want to do is feel comfortable in our every day lives.... [Read Full Story]

Out Of The Technicolor Closet – Transgender Health & Awareness


There is a lot to learn about the T in LGBT. Transgender is a term you probably have heard but may not understand much about people who identify as trans. With the help of our guest, Liz, we dive into this topic by discussing transgender health & awareness, gender identity and what people who identify as trans deal with on a daily basis, mentally, physically and emotionally.... [Read Full Story]