Coffee Talk from Honor Credit Union – Tuesday, July 13

  • National French Fries Day: French fries aren’t actually French. They’re from Belgium (where they speak French) and where American soldiers found them during World War 1.

Do you have a secret you keep from everyone? More than one? According to a new survey, the average adult keeps two secrets from those closest to them.
Here are the Top 10 Secrets People Keep From Family and Friends:
  1. Mental health issues
  2. Embarrassing incidents
  3. Internet history
  4. Eating/snacking habits
  5. Hygiene habits
  6. Number of past sex partners
  7. Bank/credit card statements
  8. Faking an illness in the past to avoid a commitment
  9. Affairs/infidelities
  10. One night stands

Right along those lines of keeping secrets and mental health issues, therapists are about to get very busy … A new survey found that 70% of respondents are “anxious” about returning to their pre-pandemic lives, and 54% said they want to see a therapist before going back to their normal life.

Has your diet changed a lot in the last five years? Did it change radically in the last year? In a new survey by Modern Table, 20% said their diet today is radically different than it was five years ago. Health concerns (48%), personal taste (35%) and environmental concerns (19%) were the top three reasons for changing how they ate. While most people (48%) identified as omnivores (those who eat plants and meat equally), flexitarians (those who eat mostly plant based but eat meat on occasion) at 14% outnumbered vegetarians (9%) and vegans (3%) combined. Then there are the 17% who identify as carnivores – eating nothing but animal products.

From the kids to the grandparents, everyone felt pressured by the list ranks the cities that are most and least stressed out. Factors include work hours and divorce rates. Most stressed? Cleveland, Ohio comes in first, Detroit second and New Orleans third. Least stressed? Madison, Wisconsin, Fremont, California and South Burlington, Vermont.